Liz House

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I'm Liz

An author & Bible teacher dedicated to helping people fall in love with the real Jesus.

One of the things you may be wondering right off the bat is why in the world did I decide to write and speak?

Well, how far back do you want to go? 

Elementary school, when I challenged myself to become the fastest typist in my class? (Who knows if I succeeded, but my little third-grade self surely tried!)

Middle school when I became obsessed and invigorated by public speaking?

High school when I watched a female preacher speak with undeniable anointing, passion, and fire?

College when I honed my ability to tell a story well?

Motherhood when I became obsessed with training disciples?

It all culminated into a burning passion to combine all of these interests and giftings to serve God through the written and spoken Word.

To be clear, I was smack dab in the midst of parenting five whole children as a stay-at-home mom when God snapped the entire vision into one culminating dream.

“Lord, are you serious?” I prayed, “now? You want me to do this now?”

Don’t get me wrong, I was very excited about finally getting to combine all of my passions. 

But the timing of it seemed bizarre.

Yet, I’m undeniable proof that God’s logic will never exist on the same plane as human’s.

No matter how hard we try, we will never fully grasp the Lord’s timing, sense of humor, or even wisdom.

So, I chose to take the leap, even though it seemed like I was a complete crazy person.

And to be honest? I am a crazy person sometimes. But not in this. In this I know I’m smack dab in the midst of His will.

From these experiences–and a lot of others–I continue to learn new ways that God is consistently faithful when we step out in faith to follow Him wholeheartedly.

This leads me straight to you. 

In what ways are you hoping to grow closer to Christ? In what areas could you dive deeper into trust in Him? 

My only goal here is to serve the Lord. I serve Him as I lead us to His Word. I serve Him as I lead us to believe in His promises. I serve Him. Full stop. 

This ministry has never been–and never will be–about me. 

If God gave me my gifts, He could easily raise up another leader with even better gifts than I. 

I will be here serving as long as He keeps me here. At the end of the day, my goal is to see the name of Christ proclaimed.
Not Liz House. Christ. 

As such, I hope you will stick around to hear whatever the Lord is kind enough to speak through me.

And praise the good Lord Himself that the success of the spread of the Gospel is not laid on my shoulders. It’s on Christ.

 He chooses to use every single person who has accepted the name of Jesus as their Savior.

Which means YOU are my co-laborer.

I am so passionate about watching us both grow in faith.

Whether you’re just starting out in faith or years-deep in this thing, I’m simply here to walk as your friend to tap into the deepest relationship with God possible.

Now, as we journey together, you will quickly find out that I am not perfect. I’m only a servant. I claim nothing more than that. 

Yet, my commitment to you is to always stay real. To admit when I’ve acted like a moron. To ask for prayer and to offer you prayer as well. To fight for honesty and integrity.

If you’re still here–and you’ve read this far–I’m grateful. Thank you. 

Also, I’d really love to learn more about you! The best way to share that and stay connected is to make sure you become one of the LH Insiders — just sign up below by entering your name and email

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Get inspired in your faith and other subscriber-only resources you can’t get anywhere else.

Also, if we’re not connected on Instagram yet, let’s fix that immediately! I am on IG almost daily sharing quick faith-builders. Oh, and I make some humorous parenting content, too. Because if you can’t laugh in this journey of parenting, you will die. 

But if you want the inside scoop, the Insider’s list is where it’s at. I promise I’m not going to obsessively email you. Why? I’m a mom of five. Ain’t nobody got time for that. You can mostly expect to hear from me occasionally.

Plus, just for signing up, you’ll get 7 fantastic audio prayers I have prayed just for you.  I hope you listen to them every week, or as often as you need a reminder that you have someone praying for you and a God who listens. I equally hope it encourages you to pray more powerfully than ever before.

Cover your life in Prayer.

Immediately receive 7 days worth of audio prayers I have prayed just for YOU, your family, your church, and your community!

Can’t wait for you to pray alongside me!

Thank you so much for taking the time to visit. I’m pumped that we’re now connected and truly believe you are here by the providence of Almighty God. I can’t wait to journey together in faith. What a privilege to connect to you.

In Christ,